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Sick Nick Sports Strength is looking to create the ultimate workout and nutrition program that is unique for every single person. Each person is different so why should you train like someone else. The goal is to create a champion mentality through online personal training and nutrition coaching. Custom monthly training programs that always change can propel you to the fitness standard you know you can achieve. Monthly meal plans can also push you past plateaus and accelerate fat loss and muscle gain. A combination of the two can create an athletic and healthy body. If you have any questions about pricing or the program in general do not hesitate to contact us below!


Sick Nick Sports Strength LLC was founded by Nicolas Gentry. Nicolas is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach. He also studied and gained his Bachelor of Science at Arizona State University. With the goal of affordable and science based online personal training and nutrition coaching, Nicolas created Sick Nick Sports Strength in 2021.  

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